Tag Archives: Co-owners

The importance of updating your estate plan after a divorce.

Frequently, couples will name each other as beneficiaries of life insurance, annuities, bank accounts, CD’s, and retirement plans. Sometimes, though, when they get divorced the ex spouse forgets to remove the other ex spouse from the insurance, the bank account, … Continue reading

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Avoiding Probate on the House

Frequently, clients think that a revocable living trust will avoid probate in Florida. As I discuss here: Why revocable living trusts usually won’t avoid probate in Florida A revocable living trust can actually trigger a probate in Florida; particularly if … Continue reading

Posted in Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Probate, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

What if someone who died out of state owned property in Florida?

A lot of people who do not live in Florida own property in Florida. Sometimes it is a vacant lot bought in anticipation of building a home when they retire; sometimes it is an actual house or mobile home or … Continue reading

Posted in Probate, Real Estate | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

What if my Husband left the house to his children?

One issue that comes up occasionally is where a spouse, usually a husband, owns a house by themselves and their will tries to leave the house to someone other than their spouse.  Under most circumstances, you can’t do that in … Continue reading

Posted in Homestead, Probate, Real Estate, Will Contest | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Do I need a probate in Florida?

Very frequently, I get phone calls, to the effect of my mother or father died, my husband or wife died, they left a house, a bank account, do I need a probate? The answer is, it’s going to depend.  It … Continue reading

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Dividing up the property

Maybe you are divorced and you and the ex spouse are co-owners of some real property. Or maybe you and your brother both inherited Dads house.  And now, one of you wants out; one of you wants to sell and … Continue reading

Posted in Co-Owners, Divorce, Partition, Real Estate | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Prenuptial Agreements In Florida

So, you’re getting married.  You’re in love, your spouse-to-be and you have set the date, sent out the invitations, selected the menu and you are all set. Maybe not. Depending on your assets and that of your soon-to-be-spouse, you might … Continue reading

Posted in Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Prenuptial Agreements, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment