Ronald A. Jones, PA, Attorney at Law
About the Firm
About the Firm
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Some Common Questions
Basic Estate Planning in Florida
Common Law Marriage in Florida
What do I do if I find my father had a gun?
Validity of out of state wills in Florida
Do I need to bring a probate?
Probate Process in Florida
Intestate Estates in Florida
Living Trust Alternatives
Duties of Personal Representative
Why Living Trusts Don't Avoid Probate in Florida
Will a revocable trust provide asset protection for me in Florida?
My father died and cut me out of the will
Can I contest or challenge a will?

I serve all of The Villages, as well as North Lake County and Southern Marion County and all of Sumter County.

I have been in practice since 1997. 
I originally opened my office in Belleview, and in 2003 moved to Summerfield.

I offer competitive rates and personal service. 

Fees in Probate

 Probate fees start at $1000 for summary administration, and $1500 for full administration, plus costs.  The current filing fees for summary administration in Marion County is  $345 and $400 for full administration.  If the estate is required to be advertised, publication in Marion County typically runs about $100.  There may be additional costs including copy and certification of court records, bonds for personal representatives, and other fees.
Bear in mind; Florida Statutes provides for what are considered presumptively reasonable fees in probate: Florida Statutes 733.6171  Compensation of attorney for the personal representative, available>2008->Ch0733->Section%206171#0733.6171 
sets out presumptively reasonable fees for the lawyer. However, what is actually paid is negotiable between the attorney and the personal representative.  Many times, the estate would be better off hiring an attorney on an hourly basis rather than paying the lawyer on a percentage basis of the estate.  Be aware that you have a choice in attorneys; don't be afraid to shop around and ask questions regarding the price of the probate.


Ronald A. Jones, PA, 15600 A S US Hwy 441 Summerfield FL (352) 347-2288